Wharton’s Jelly-derived MSC
Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells (WJ-MSCs) were isolated from the Wharton's jelly of human umbilical cords. WJ-MSCs have a fibroblastoid-shaped morphology. They express mesenchymal antigens but are negative for hematopoietic markers. Cells also express proliferation genes, neurogenesis genes and several microRNAs (miRNA). WJ-MSCs can undergo osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation.
Product Specification
Cell density: (1x10^7 cells/vial)
Cell source: Human
Origin: Umbilical cord
Number of Passage: P1-P3
Suggested medium: DMEM Low Glucose +10% FBS
Key Features
- Guaranteed Growth Performance
All of our MSC are guaranteed to grow with a doubling time of <30h for a minimum of 10 population doublings. - Differentiation Tested
Each MSC lot is tested for differentiation into osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondrocytes in accordance with ISCT* guidelines. - ISCT* Marker Panel
Each MSC lot is tested for CD73+/CD90+/CD105+ and CD14-/CD19-/CD34-/CD45-/HLA-DR-. - Higher Result Comparability
Our newly designed MSC Growth Medium 2 with low-serum content (2% FCS) ensures low batch-to-batch variation. - Defined & Xeno-Free
DXF Medium available for defined and xeno-free MSC culture.
- Guaranteed Growth Performance
Warranty Policy
Cytomics warranty covers initial viability of cultures, 30 days from the ship date, as long as the material is stored and handled according to the product information sheet. The warranty as explained on the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Shipping and Handling