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2D-Silver Stain Reagent II (for 10 gels)

2D-Silver Stain Reagent II (for 10 gels)

庫存單位: DCB-423413

For detection of proteins and nucleic acids migration by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, silver staining is now being highlighted as a sensitive staining method.

However the original silver staining method is not necessarily easyto work and takes long-time.

2D-SILVER STAIN-II is an improved reagent kit developed to provide simple and fast staining. Application: 2D-SILVER STAIN-II is applicable to the detection of proteins and nucleic acids subjected to polyacrylamideand SDS-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis.

Feature and Advantages: 1) Rapid staining results in a short time after electrophoresis.

2) Staining with higher sensitivity

For proteins: 50 to 100 times more sensitive than CBB staining

For nucleic acids: 50 to 100 times more sensitive than EB staining

3) Simple preparation and simple operation.

4) No use of such materials as heavy metals controlled by regulations.

5) Capable of restaining CBB-stained gels. (Double-staining)

6) Staining process can be stopped any time during development for desired chromatic figures.

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